Terms of Service

DevBin is a service to upload and/or share textual contents, including programming languages scripts.

We reserve the right to take down any content, terminate registered accounts, take action against users and deny access to the service at any moment, without notice.


Any content uploaded to the DevBin service remain the property of their original owner.

The uploaded content will reside on the DevBin server until deletion from the user or by any legal request.

The uploader assumes all responsibility of the uploaded content.


The owner of any content falling under the legal copyright may submit proof of their ownership in order to request a takedown of their property to [email protected].


Any attempt to exploit, damage or otherwise harm DevBin in any way may result in an immediate termination and/or deny of access to the service, without notice.

If you encouter any bugs or exploits, please make sure you report them as soon as possible via the issue tracker here: https://github.com/Ale32bit/DevBin

By using the DevBin service you agree to not: